Delayed Ejaculation

Delayed Ejaculation Problems Resolved

It’s no comfort if you’re a man who happens to have a sexual problem that you’re in the company of a high percentage of the male population: the huge majority of men have one or other sexual dysfunction, the least common of which is delayed ejaculation. This is a problem that can have a very deleterious impact on not only your relationship, but also on your self-esteem and your self-confidence.

The great news is that there are many effective and proven techniques, and medications, and therapy programs which you can use; you can join them and try them out easily and simply, and, as far as dlayed ejaculation is concerned, you’re most probably going to find something effective in a fairly short timescale.

Delayed ejaculation

Delayed ejaculation is pernicious, apparently difficult to cure, and certainly spoils the fun that you and your partner can have in bed. Delayed ejaculation is a condition that is not only challenging to deal with, but also challenging to define.

One of the common factors about delayed ejaculation is that a man who experiences it becomes more and more embarrassed and awkward, with his anxiety increasing every time he has intimate relations with his partner, and so it gets worse and worse with a negative cycle of feedback that can go on for ages if it’s not dealt with.

Another unexpected problem with delayed ejaculation is that it can hit a man at any age — it’s not a problem that simply occurs for men in their youth who have not had much experience of intimacy: it can happen at any age, developing unexpectedly and for no apparent reason. And that’s true even if you’re a man of considerable sexual experience.

Delayed ejaculation

Delayed ejaculation is extremely common, for problems with delayed orgasm affect about one man in 10 or 12. And one of the common consequences of delayed ejaculation is that a man’s partner becomes tired, sore, and worn out, as well as feeling less confident and experiencing a lowering of her self-esteem because she believes that she is not attractive enough to enable him to experience normal climax during intimate relations with her.

Women tend to blame themselves when they get involved with men who have this kind of delayed ejaculation problem, even though it’s absolutely not their fault; men in this position need help.

This situation is not made simpler in any way whatsoever by the fact that neither a man nor his partner are usually able to communicate about what the problem is, nor indeed to understand or explain why it has risen.

In some relationships a man’s tendency to delayed ejaculation soon becomes a major issue. In fact relationships can really suffer from a lack of intimate connection when a man becomes worried about his potential failure to satisfy his partner during lovemaking.

In this case, you need to check that your relationship is not going to end because of sexual disharmony. And if it already has broken up, check out how to get your ex partner back right here.  If delayed ejaculation and erection problems occur together, it is necessary to deal with the latter before the lack of control is treated.

The Effects Of Delayed Ejaculation

Delayed ejaculation and a couple’s relationship

Young single men may get so anxious about their sexual performance that they avoid getting into a committed relationship because they feel their problem will really show up.

However, having a regular relationship with a safe and supportive partner is probably the best thing that can happen to a man with anxieties about his ability to be a good lover in general – and the absence of his ejaculation in particular. Some couples have no problems even if the man does not ejaculate: this is probably because he feels OK about it, his partner is OK with her (or his) own masculinity and femininity, he does not feel responsible for his partner’s satisfaction, and they enjoy themselves in many ways.

However, in some relationships a man’s tendency to delayed ejaculation soon becomes a major issue. In this case it is important to look at the whole relationship rather than think of this as being just “his” issue.

In fact relationships can really suffer from a lack of intimate connection when a man becomes worried about his potential failure to satisfy his partner during lovemaking.

In this case, you need to check that your relationship is not going to end because of sexual disharmony. And if it already has broken up, check out how to get your ex partner back right here.

If delayed ejaculation persists even when a man practices techniques of control, there is a good chance that it’s serving both partners in some way, perhaps as a psychological defense. If delayed ejaculation and erection issues occur together, it is necessary to deal with the latter before the lack of control is treated.

The causes of ejaculation problems

Before you can last longer you need to work out what is causing your ejaculation problem.

Sex therapists know that emotional issues are very important in this context: for instance, if you’re very anxious, or nervous, or suffering from a high degree of stress, you’re likely to find that you have a great deal of trouble controlling your ejaculation. You really do need to get to the root of psychological factors such as anxiety around sex, lack of sexual self-confidence, low self-esteem, and even the feeling that your partner’s needs are more important than your own.

It’s also possible that physiological influences have a role to play in a man’s ability (or lack of ability) to control his ejaculation. There’s a theory that brain chemistry, in the form of serotonin levels, has a major impact on a man’s ability to regulate the speed with which he ejaculates, and this is why SSRI antidepressants, which have an impact on serotonin levels, may slow down or stop ejaculation.

Ending Delayed Ejaculation

Effective Exercises for the control of Delayed ejaculation

As we observed before, the best solution is probably a combined treatment strategy that involves a combination of different approaches, but exercises – many of which can be done without anybody knowing that you are practicing them – are a major part of the program.

Some of the exercises are more complicated and take an investment of time and effort, and often a certain amount of assistance from your partner, before they pay off.

However, exercises which train your body to respond differently are the best way to get genuine control of delayed ejaculation. Once you’ve started these delayed ejaculation exercises, and possibly maintained them on a regular basis, you’ll find that you’re able to last much longer in bed, your sex life will improve, and you’ll be able to satisfy your partner in a way that you’ve never achieved in the past.

As far back as the 1970s, neuroscientists were investigating the role of serotonin and dopamine in ejaculation. These compounds are neurotransmitters in the brain – in other words, they transfer messages from one nerve cell to another.

An Alternative Approach To Overcome Delayed Ejaculation

What studies since 1990  have revealed is that serotonin, which is also known as 5 hydroxytryptamine or 5 HT, is one of the most important neurotransmitters involved in the ejaculatory process. There are actually about 17 variants of serotonin, and there are two particular ones that seem to be crucial in the speed of ejaculation. One of them delays ejaculation, and the other speeds it up.

Waldinger has formulated the hypothesis that because of either a genetically determined diminished serotonin neurotransmission, or a genetically determined lack of sensitivity to one of the serotonin variants, there is an impact on the speed of a man’s ejaculation.

The discovery of nerve cells that respond to serotonin in the particular areas of the brain responsible for ejaculation, the medial pre-optic area, and the nucleus paragigantocellularis in the medulla, demonstrates there may well be a connection between serotonin and speed of ejaculation, and it follows therefore that any compound which interferes with the serotonin receptors can have an effect on the speed of a man’s ejaculation…

But it’s still not clear which neural mechanisms finally determine the speed of ejaculation, and men with Delayed ejaculation may well wish to avoid antidepressants as a treatment because of the side-effects which can occur after taking SSRIs. The medically prescribed drugs like Dapoxetine are actually anti-depressants. They affect your brain chemistry and may have all some unpleasant side-effects like nausea, headache, anxiety and tremors.

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